Five Ways to Impress Potential Clients

Being successful in the business of photography isn't just about being good with a camera; it's about having the ability to convince people that what you offer is unique and worth the cost of your services. Here are five simple ways to impress potential clients to give yourself a better chance of converting the sale.

Looking to Get Into Astrophotography? Check Out This Cheap Equatorial Mount

Astrophotography can be an incredibly rewarding and awe-inspiring photography genre to get into, but it can also requires loads of specialized equipment that is decidedly not cheap. This awesome video review takes a look at a budget option to see if it can still get great results that make it worth the cost.

Scientists Are Using Drones to Study Tornadoes

Tornadoes are notoriously hard to predict and to study, but better understanding the complex processes that lead to their formation is crucial to providing the sort of advance notice needed to save lives. Researchers in Project TORUS are turning to drones to better study these dangerous storms.

Can You Steal a Photographer's Style?

Photographers can be very protective of their techniques and creative ideas, while others can be extremely open about how they work. Regardless of the process, the end result is on display for all to see. Does this mean it's possible for others to steal a photographer's style? This thought-provoking video examines exactly that question.

Seven Myths About Landscape Photography That Might Be Holding You Back

There are lots of myths out there about photography that can end up holding you back if you listen to them, and it's important to avoid falling prey to them. This great video discusses seven such myths in landscape photography and sets the record straight on what it's really like.

Removing Halos From HDR or Aggressive Photo Edits

If you’ve pushed a photo edit too far in post processing, you’ve probably noticed a halo effect happening at high contrast areas of your image. If you didn’t catch it right away, here’s the trick to removing them at any time.

Your Guide to Sony Autofocus Settings for Video

Sony cameras have become a big hit among the indie filmmaking crowd due to their versatility, cost of entry, and video quality. If you’re new to these cameras or just need a refresher, here’s what you need to know about setting up autofocus for video on Sony cameras.

Make Apple’s iPod Great Again… for Photographers

Over the years, many companies, from Lytro to Light, have tried to come up with small, funky cameras that use technology to pack DSLR punch into a small package. Invariably, all of these have more or less failed, but there’s one company that’s just sitting on a sleeping giant in this market: Apple.

Work Your Butt off at Weddings for More Referrals

Success in wedding photography can depend on a lot of factors that are both in and out of your control. One thing I recommend is going the extra yard where and whenever possible.

The Straightforward Video Guide to Teleconverters

I consider teleconverters to be an essential piece of photography gear for wildlife photography. Check out this great video on what makes them special and how to get the most out of them.

Photographer Uses Robots to Shoot Commercial Videos

As advanced technology becomes more affordable, we seem to be seeing more and more photographers and videographers using robots to help them create jaw-dropping work, which requires precise movements. These machines are no longer only in the domain of the likes of NASA, Google, or Hollywood — and that's really exciting.

iPadOS Finally Makes iPad Worth Considering for Professionals

After a few compatibility and speed tests, for the first time, I will be leaving my laptop behind when I go on a seven day trip out of the country later this month. It’s all thanks to iPad’s new iPadOS, which this year will provide support for external drives and a group of other pro features we’ve been starved for since the iPad first came out.

Apple Watch With a Camera? Newly Published Patent Shows Intriguing Design

The Apple Watch has been a major success for the company, and is an even bigger business than the dominating iPod ever was. With the many different paths the Watch could follow going into the future, there’s now hints that the device could be made into a wearable camera thanks to these newly granted patents.

A to Z of Photography: Hyper-lapse and Horst P. Horst

From contemporary to classic in one breath, in this installment of the A to Z of Photography I outline the current, and oh so trendy, hyper-lapse technique before showcasing the work of the classic, and brilliant, photography of Horst P. Horst, including his signature work the "Mainbocher Corset". Read on for more!

One Tiny Change in Photoshop to Speed Up Cropping

For many of us, we’ve been using Adobe Photoshop for so long that at this point we don’t question our own workflows; we do what we’ve done before because that’s the way we’ve always done it. I did something crazy the other day though. I questioned if a tooltip’s displayed information could be changed. And I was a little shocked that yes, it could be.

Jumping Back in to the Darkroom

As a sort of part 2 to my last video, I'm taking the black and white film from that same shoot and jumping into the darkroom. It's been a while since I've ventured in, so I thought it would be fun to take you along with me while I kicked off the cobwebs.

You Can Moan About Adobe but the Company Is Making More Money Than Ever

You may frequently hear complaints about Lightroom and Photoshop — too buggy, too slow, too bloated, too expensive — but it doesn’t seem to be putting a dent in Adobe’s performance. In fact, it’s quite the opposite as the company announced last week that it has achieved record revenues for the second fiscal quarter of this year.

What the Hell Happened to Brand Loyalty?

There was once a time when Canon and Nikon users warred like zealous tribes and the act of switching made you a heathenish deserter. Now it's just par for the course. So what happened to brand loyalty? Did it ever really exist?

Five Ways to Progress in Photography

I derive motivation as well as enjoyment as a photographer by seeing continuous improvement in my work. In this article, I’ll share five factors that have pushed me further along in my photographic journey.

The Best Locations for Landscapes Photos May Be Just Around the Corner

Have you taken beautiful landscape photos at Lofoten, the Faroe Islands, or Iceland? Or perhaps you only dream about trips to these breathtaking locations. Don't worry; perhaps the best landscape photo you will ever shoot is in your home town, just around the corner.

Fujifilm and Elia Locardi Team up in New Webseries

Elia Locardi, famous for taking beautiful landscapes and cityscapes, and refusing to go skydiving, has recently teamed up with Fujifilm, Smugmug, and Flickr to create "Moments in Time", a new webseries following Elia around the world on his photographic journey.

Model Suffers First Degree Burns in Fire Photoshoot That Went Wrong

A Canadian woman is warning other models of the dangers of risky shoots, after she was left with both 1st and 2nd degree burns across her body during a shoot that involved fire. The incident occurred after she responded to an online advert appealing for freelance models in the area. This article contains photos of burn injuries.

How to Photograph Birds With Clean, Simple Backgrounds

One of the most difficult challenges in bird photography is finding the subjects you want in front of non-distracting backgrounds. With limited means of placing wild birds exactly where you need them, what methods can be used to ensure other elements in the frame don’t overpower the subject?

Fstoppers Hands-on Look at the Hasselblad CFV II 50C (and X1D II 50C)

With companies like Fujifilm entering the medium format industry, it's not going to be an easy place to compete, especially for a company like Hasselblad. The new Fuji GFX 100 looks pretty incredible; however, Hasselblad does seem to have a few tricks left up its proverbial sleeve.

Insights on Retouching From a Retoucher's Perspective With Jeff Whitlock

Jeff Whitlock’s work as a high-end retoucher has been gaining notice for the last several years, and just about every time I turn around, Jeff is sharing some amazing project he’s just worked on. From the "This is not Magritte" series to his work on portraits of celebrities, Jeff has been knocking it out of the park with great regularity.

So Many Photographers Make This Mistake. Are You One of Them?

We all make mistakes. They are part of the learning process, and if we want to improve, we have to accept that we'll make plenty of them. Photographers are no different, but there's one big mistake I see so many photographers make time and time again, yet it's so avoidable.

Shoot With Less to Create More Effectively

Let's be honest. While we as photographers have a troublesome relationship with gear at times, we could mostly do with a lot less of it. In yet another wonderful discussion, Nick Carver gives us his thoughts on hiring a wedding photographer, using less gear, choosing a rum as a digestif, and what it means to be a photographer.

Get a Great Deal on a Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art Lens Today and Tomorrow Only

The Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art lens was the first in the company's highly lauded "Art" line, which has become well known for high optical quality at prices that seriously undercut those for equivalent lenses from first party manufacturers. Now, you can get an even better deal on the 35mm f/1.4 Art by taking $250 off today and tomorrow only. This includes both the DSLR and mirrorless versions of the lens.

The Battle of Rugged, Waterproof Compact Cameras

Modern professional and semiprofessional cameras can generally withstand moderate exposure to the elements and an occasional bump or knock, but dunking them in 30 feet of water is an entirely different proposition. For that sort of use, you'll want to look into rugged compact cameras, and this excellent video review compares three of the best models.