What Was Your First Wedding Photography Experience Like?

Wedding photography is a notoriously difficult genre, full of numerous challenges of all sorts. This can make your first wedding quite the scary experience, but it also often makes for a good story! This fun video follows a photographer as he shares the story of his first wedding.

How to Properly Clean and Maintain Your Photo Equipment

Photography equipment is hardly cheap, and it's important to properly maintain it so it can last longer and you can maximize the return on your investment. This great video will show you everything you need to know to properly maintain all of your photography equipment.

Why Do All Movies From 1999 Seem the Same?

1999 seemed to be a cultural accumulation point in many ways, and it led to some very interesting trends and creations. This great video examines why so many movies from 1999 seemed to revolve around the same central premises and constructs.

Instagram Will Now Warn Users if Their Account Is Close to Being Banned

Instagram has sometimes not been particularly forthright when it comes to decisions of account or content moderation, but that seems to be changing, as the company has announced that they will begin warning users whose accounts are in imminent danger of being banned because of violations.

10 Helpful Guidelines for Creating Better Landscape Images

Landscape photography can be a deceptively difficult genre to master, but with a lot of practice of technique and refinement of your creative vision, you can make big strides in the quality of your work. This helpful video will give you 10 guidelines to help get you on the right track sooner.

A Review of the Sega Digio SJ-1 Camera From 1996

With camera technology as good as it is nowadays, it can be easy to forget just how quickly things have advanced in the span of just a few short decades. As a case in point, this fun video reviews the Sega Digio SJ-1, a nifty point and shoot camera from 1996.

Why Mirrorless Autofocus Means Trade-Offs

Mirrorless cameras like the Sony A7 don’t use a traditional phase detect autofocus. While this enables popular features like eye tracking autofocus, it brings a number of tradeoffs, which could be a deal-breaker for certain applications.

The Art of Composite Photography: Part One

As you can probably tell by my work I am a huge fan of composite photography. I chose the path of the composite warrior for a couple of reasons in the beginning.

Four Reasons Why Underwater Photographers Should Travel Together

When I moved to Singapore in 2010, I picked up both scuba diving and underwater photography. As many divers do, I began traveling with my local dive club. It was a great group of Singaporeans and expats and I loved each and every adventure.

Five Common Landscape Photography Mistakes

Landscape photography can be a tricky genre full of nuance and requiring excellent technique, and it is easy to fall prey to some common mistakes. This excellent video details five common mistakes landscape photographers make and how to fix them.

The Importance of Adding Character to Location Portraits

A good location portrait is the successful combination of a number of factors — lighting, wardrobe choices, props, location choice, and more. This excellent video goes behind the scenes of just such a set of portraits to discuss how all these factors come together to make successful, compelling images.

How to Take a Photo of the Moon

As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing, everyone has moon fever. There has never been a better time to grab your camera and head outside to take a shot of our moon, and this excellent video will show you everything you need to know to do just that.

Behind the Scenes at Ilford Photo's Factory

Far from dying out, film photography still has a place in many people's hearts. One of the companies which has warmly occupied this space is Harman technology Limited, which has been trading as Ilford Photo since 2005. This lovely short film documents what still goes on in their factory today.

Shooting Photography and Video for Yourself, or Shooting to Make Money?

The business of photography is unique in a specific way like few other careers are. Many people that call themselves professional photographers are also hobbyists that love to shoot whether they get paid for it or not. Is that a gift or a bonus to calling photography your career or is it an affliction?

Why Gear Is the Least Exciting Part of Photography

Since I began taking photos 10 years ago, one constant has been that I have never been excited by gear. Granted, I like to have a nice camera and lens setup to shoot with, but it’s so rarely the focus of my attention. I’m happy to stick with the same gear until it falls apart, and I couldn’t even tell you what the latest model on the market is.

The Six Fundamentals of Gelled Lighting

Added colored gels to your lighting can have a bigger change than you first expected. It's not quite the same as shooting with white lights, as there are a few additional factors you have to consider to get the optimal color you are looking for.

Ryzen 9 3900X Versus Intel i9-9900K: Which CPU Is Better for Creatives?

If you have been thinking of building your own desktop computer for creative work, such as photo retouching or editing 4K video, then your CPU choice is one of the main things to consider. Should you choose the new Ryzen 9 3900X 12-core CPU or the Intel i9 9900K 8-core?

Photographing the Disappearing Stars

For me, it’s the sounds and the stars at night that make the evening out shooting so much fun. It’s one of the highlights of the trip to the family farm.

Behind the Scenes of Amazing Pet Portraits

If you own a pet, you've definitely taken a picture of him or her more than once. Belgian photographer Vincent Lagrange does just that for all sorts of animals as a big part of his career.

Is Photography Really Considered Art?

This is a question we hear being asked more and more nowadays. And before anyone starts to react violently, rest assured that the answer is yes. It is, of course, a valid art form and we will not dwell any more on that question.

The Fun of Shooting With a 150-Year-Old Camera

Modern cameras are rather remarkable pieces of technology that make capturing stunning images even in the most difficult shooting scenarios easier than ever. But there is still a lot of magic in the early processes of yesteryear. This awesome video goes behind the scenes of shooting with a camera that's a century and a half old.

Five Awesome Summer Landscape Photography Ideas

Summertime can be a bit tricky for landscape photographers, but that doesn't mean you can't get great shots during the warm weather. This excellent video shows you five great landscape photo ideas for summer.

Real Estate Photography
Critique the Community

Real Estate Photography

Submit your best real estate image for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.

Real estate photography is a thriving business opportunity but it takes skill to shoot a home. Do you think your images are good enough to meet the industry standards? 

This contest has ended.

Critique the Community Concerts

Congratulations to the Winners!

Who could be better to review concert photography than two photographers who are also musicians? Patrick Hall is joined by photographer and musician Keith Bradshaw for this week's episode.

If Sensor Size Doesn't Matter, Why Buy a Bigger One?

Recently Lee published a comparison between the images from several different-sized cameras and there was no apparent difference. What's the point of buying a camera with a larger sensor then?

How to Remove Harsh Shadows Using Photoshop

If you don't have control of the lighting in which you're shooting, you may end up with an otherwise great image that has a harsh, distracting shadow somewhere on the subject. This helpful tutorial will show you everything you need to know to remove such shadows using Photoshop.

Apps That Will Add a New Level of Intelligence to Your Photographs.

If you’ve ever wondered what plant is in the foreground of your last magical landscape image, there’s a few apps out there that can help. Those apps can also keep you from trampling rare and endangered species and habitat to get that epic Instagram shot, and along the way you’ll end up learning a few Latin names… maybe.

The One Thing That Every Camera Manufacturer Needs to Fix

In 1995, Casio launched a revolutionary product: the QV-10. It was the first camera to feature an LCD that showed what you were shooting. Ever since, manufacturers have run terrified at the prospect of having to implement a basic feature that has still not been properly designed, and there's a good chance that this won’t happen in our lifetimes.

10 Common Marketing Mistakes Photographers Make

You can have all the talent in the world when it comes to handling a camera, but if you don't know how to properly market yourself, you simply are not going to get very far in the professional photography. This great video details 10 common marketing mistakes photographers make and what you can do to fix them.

Time-lapse Photographer Captures Amazing Footage of New York City Blackout

The recent blackout in New York City that happened on the anniversary of the infamous 1977 blackout took out a swath of the west side of Manhattan for approximately five hours. One time-lapse photographer happened to have his camera aimed at that exact spot, and his footage is absolutely fascinating.

Photographer Captures Python Consuming Entire Crocodile in One Go

A new set of photos released by a wildlife rescue center in Western Australia shows a python incredibly eating a freshwater crocodile whole. The collection of images detail the drama from start to finish, with the outline of the croc evident inside its predator’s body.

A to Z of Photography: Noise and Helmut Newton

Moving on to N, we enter the second half of the alphabet and with that a headlong rush to Z. It's been a blast getting to this point, but now we start the countdown. In this issue the A to Z of Photography we visit that most unwanted of digital acquaintances, noise, before taking a peek at the cover work (and Polaroids) of Helmut Newton.

Sony Announces the New Alpha 7R IV: A Proper Rival to Medium Format

For many photographers, having a high-resolution camera is a must. For some time now the Canon 5DSR was the highest resolution full-frame camera on the market. Sony has now one-upped it with their latest announcement the new Sony a7R IV. As someone who shoots with both Sony and Canon, I have to say I'm really excited about this new camera.

Can the Cheapest MacBook Pro Keep Up With Professional Demands?

The MacBook Pro is the standard workhorse laptop of choice for the vast majority of photographers and videographers, but depending on the configuration you select, it can become a bit pricey. However, Apple makes some lower-priced versions of the laptop, and you might be surprised by what they can handle. This great video will show you just what the cheapest MacBook Pro can do.

The Best Way to Approach Potential Photography Clients

Photographers spend a ton of time learning new techniques, improving the quality of their images, and working on new creative avenues. But at the end of the day, all the photographic technique and creativity in the world won't mean much for your financial success without the business skills to back it all up. This excellent video discusses one of those crucial skills: how to approach new clients.