6 Bad Photography Habits One Photographer Is Battling

We all have bad habits in everything we do, whether we admit to them and acknowledge them or not. This photographer goes through six of his own and how he combats them.

I have been loosely working on an article about my own bad habits on photography for a while. It's a difficult subject to approach at times as it requires you to cut yourself open and peer inside, even when you don't like what you see. I am always on the warpath to improve, so I try to do this often, but it doesn't necessarily get easier.

I am not a landscape photographer, but many of the pitfalls of us photographers transcend genre. For example, in this video, James Popsys discusses how he tries to find new angles and ideas for images, even if he is in well-trodden locations. This is far more difficult than it sounds and we all imitate the art we enjoy, whether knowingly or not. I may have used to take a lot of cues from other photographers some years ago, now I find that draw from cinema. When I imagine a shot, I often think of one I like and create it, only for me to somewhere down the line, figure out what prompted the idea. This can never be fully irradiated and nor should it be; the likelihood is that almost everything that has ever been created has drawn the idea from things the artist has seen. However, it's worth keeping an awareness of this at the forefront of your mind so you can ensure you never slip too far.

What are some bad habits you tackle in your photography?

Robert K Baggs's picture

Robert K Baggs is a professional portrait and commercial photographer, educator, and consultant from England. Robert has a First-Class degree in Philosophy and a Master's by Research. In 2015 Robert's work on plagiarism in photography was published as part of several universities' photography degree syllabuses.

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